All Starters
Install with gatsby-cli
npx gatsby new boogi

Create awesome documentation with modern, Gitbook-like look-and-feel.
- Customize your page to match your branding and needs
- Responsive, GitBook-like design inspired by
- Light / dark mode themes for entire app
- Custom [BooGi CLI]( wrapping Gatsby CLI
- to start quickly, simplify codebase, easily run locally and build you BooGi-based app
- Rich-content and rich-text features like text formatting, graphs and diagrams,
- quotes, columnar layout, emojis, feather icons, highlights, live code editor,
- syntax highlighting, external code snippets, social buttons and many many more!
- draft pages
- Search capabilities with [Algolia](
- local search (search in a browser without need to integrate with Algolia)
- Progressive Web App (PWA) support - app can work entirely offline
- Integration with Google Analytics
- SEO friendliness
- full screen mode
- RSS feed
- Edit content on Gitlab, Github or Bitbucket with edit-on-repo feature
- Fully customizable using plain Yaml files
CSS-in-JS, Documentation, Headless CMS, Markdown, MDX, Netlify CMS, PWA, SEO