Gatsby uses Redux internally to manage state. When you implement a Gatsby API, you are passed a collection of actions (equivalent to actions bound with bindActionCreators in Redux) which you can use to manipulate state on your site.

The object actions contains the functions and these can be individually extracted by using ES6 object destructuring.



Add a third-party schema to be merged into main schema. Schema has to be a graphql-js GraphQLSchema object.

This schema is going to be merged as-is. This can easily break the main Gatsby schema, so it’s user’s responsibility to make sure it doesn’t happen (by e.g. namespacing the schema).


  • destructured object
    • schema GraphQLSchema

      GraphQL schema to add

  • plugin IGatsbyPlugin
  • traceId string

Return value



Add a field extension to the GraphQL schema.

Extensions allow defining custom behavior which can be added to fields via directive (in SDL) or on the extensions prop (with Type Builders).

The extension definition takes a name, an extend function, and optional extension args for options. The extend function has to return a (partial) field config, and receives the extension options and the previous field config as arguments.


  • extension GraphQLFieldExtensionDefinition

    The field extension definition

  • plugin IGatsbyPlugin
  • traceId string

Return value



exports.createSchemaCustomization = ({ actions }) => {
  const { createFieldExtension } = actions
    name: 'motivate',
    args: {
      caffeine: 'Int'
    extend(options, prevFieldConfig) {
      return {
        type: 'String',
        args: {
          sunshine: {
            type: 'Int',
            defaultValue: 0,
        resolve(source, args, context, info) {
          const motivation = (options.caffeine || 0) - args.sunshine
          if (motivation > 5) return 'Work! Work! Work!'
          return 'Maybe tomorrow.'


DEPRECATED. Use createJobV2 instead.

Create a “job”. This is a long-running process that is generally started as a side-effect to a GraphQL query. gatsby-plugin-sharp uses this for example.

Gatsby doesn’t finish its process until all jobs are ended.

Use “createJobV2” instead


  • job Object

    A job object with at least an id set

    • id id

      The id of the job

  • plugin


createJob({ id: `write file id: 123`, fileName: `something.jpeg` })


Create a “job”. This is a long-running process that is generally started as a side-effect to a GraphQL query. gatsby-plugin-sharp uses this for example.

Gatsby doesn’t finish its process until all jobs are ended.


  • job Object

    A job object with name, inputPaths, outputDir and args

    • name string

      The name of the job you want to execute

    • inputPaths string[]

      The inputPaths that are needed to run

    • outputDir string

      The directory where all files are being saved to

    • args Object

      The arguments the job needs to execute

  • plugin Plugin

Return value


Promise to see if the job is done executing


createJobV2({ name: `IMAGE_PROCESSING`, inputPaths: [`something.jpeg`], outputDir: `public/static`, args: { width: 100, height: 100 } })


Create a new node.


  • node Object

    a node object

    • id string

      The node’s ID. Must be globally unique.

    • parent string

      The ID of the parent’s node. If the node is derived from another node, set that node as the parent. Otherwise it can just be null.

    • children Array

      An array of children node IDs. If you’re creating the children nodes while creating the parent node, add the children node IDs here directly. If you’re adding a child node to a parent node created by a plugin, you can’t mutate this value directly to add your node id, instead use the action creator createParentChildLink.

    • internal Object

      node fields that aren’t generally interesting to consumers of node data but are very useful for plugin writers and Gatsby core. Only fields described below are allowed in internal object. Using any type of custom fields will result in validation errors.

      • mediaType string

        An optional field to indicate to transformer plugins that your node has raw content they can transform. Use either an official media type (we use mime-db as our source ( or a made-up one if your data doesn’t fit in any existing bucket. Transformer plugins use node media types for deciding if they should transform a node into a new one. E.g. markdown transformers look for media types of text/markdown.

      • type string

        An arbitrary globally unique type chosen by the plugin creating the node. Should be descriptive of the node as the type is used in forming GraphQL types so users will query for nodes based on the type chosen here. Nodes of a given type can only be created by one plugin.

      • content string

        An optional field. This is rarely used. It is used when a source plugin sources data it doesn’t know how to transform e.g. a markdown string pulled from an API. The source plugin can defer the transformation to a specialized transformer plugin like gatsby-transformer-remark. This content field holds the raw content (so for the markdown case, the markdown string).

        Data that’s already structured should be added to the top-level of the node object and not added here. You should not JSON.stringify your node’s data here.

        If the content is very large and can be lazy-loaded, e.g. a file on disk, you can define a loadNodeContent function for this node and the node content will be lazy loaded when it’s needed.

      • contentDigest string

        the digest for the content of this node. Helps Gatsby avoid doing extra work on data that hasn’t changed.

      • description string

        An optional field. Human readable description of what this node represent / its source. It will be displayed when type conflicts are found, making it easier to find and correct type conflicts.

  • plugin Plugin
  • actionOptions ActionOptions

Return value


The returned Promise resolves when all cascading onCreateNode API calls triggered by createNode have finished.


  // Data for the node.
  field1: `a string`,
  field2: 10,
  field3: true,

  // Required fields.
  id: `a-node-id`,
  parent: `the-id-of-the-parent-node`, // or null if it's a source node without a parent
  children: [],
  internal: {
    type: `CoolServiceMarkdownField`,
    contentDigest: crypto
    mediaType: `text/markdown`, // optional
    content: JSON.stringify(fieldData), // optional
    description: `Cool Service: "Title of entry"`, // optional


Extend another node. The new node field is placed under the fields key on the extended node object.

Once a plugin has claimed a field name the field name can’t be used by other plugins. Also since nodes are immutable, you can’t mutate the node directly. So to extend another node, use this.


  • destructured object
    • node Object

      the target node object

    • name string

      the name for the field

    • value any

      the value for the field

  • plugin Plugin
  • actionOptions ActionOptions


  name: `happiness`,
  value: `is sweet graphql queries`

// The field value is now accessible at node.fields.happiness


Create a page. See the guide on creating and modifying pages for detailed documentation about creating pages.


  • page Object

    a page object

    • path string

      Any valid URL. Must start with a forward slash

    • matchPath string

      Path that Reach Router uses to match the page on the client side. Also see docs on matchPath

    • ownerNodeId string

      The id of the node that owns this page. This is used for routing users to previews via the unstable_createNodeManifest public action. Since multiple nodes can be queried on a single page, this allows the user to tell us which node is the main node for the page.

    • component string

      The absolute path to the component for this page

    • context Object

      Context data for this page. Passed as props to the component this.props.pageContext as well as to the graphql query as graphql arguments.

  • plugin Plugin
  • actionOptions ActionOptions


  path: `/my-sweet-new-page/`,
  component: path.resolve(`./src/templates/my-sweet-new-page.js`),
  ownerNodeId: `123456`,
  // The context is passed as props to the component as well
  // as into the component's GraphQL query.
  context: {
    id: `123456`,


Create a redirect from one page to another. Server redirects don’t work out of the box. You must have a plugin setup to integrate the redirect data with your hosting technology e.g. the Netlify plugin, or the Amazon S3 plugin. Alternatively, you can use this plugin to generate meta redirect html files for redirecting on any static file host.


  • redirect Object

    Redirect data

    • fromPath string

      Any valid URL. Must start with a forward slash

    • isPermanent boolean

      This is a permanent redirect; defaults to temporary

    • redirectInBrowser boolean

      Redirects are generally for redirecting legacy URLs to their new configuration on the server. If you can’t update your UI for some reason, set redirectInBrowser to true and Gatsby will handle redirecting in the client as well. You almost never need this so be sure your use case fits before enabling.

    • toPath string

      URL of a created page (see createPage)

    • ignoreCase boolean

      (Plugin-specific) Ignore case when looking for redirects

    • force boolean

      (Plugin-specific) Will trigger the redirect even if the fromPath matches a piece of content. This is not part of the Gatsby API, but implemented by (some) plugins that configure hosting provider redirects

    • statusCode number

      (Plugin-specific) Manually set the HTTP status code. This allows you to create a rewrite (status code 200) or custom error page (status code 404). Note that this will override the isPermanent option which also sets the status code. This is not part of the Gatsby API, but implemented by (some) plugins that configure hosting provider redirects

    • rest


// Generally you create redirects while creating pages.
exports.createPages = ({ graphql, actions }) => {
  const { createRedirect } = actions
  createRedirect({ fromPath: '/old-url', toPath: '/new-url', isPermanent: true })
  createRedirect({ fromPath: '/url', toPath: '/zn-CH/url', Language: 'zn' })
  createRedirect({ fromPath: '/not_so-pretty_url', toPath: '/pretty/url', statusCode: 200 })
  // Create pages here


Only available in:createSchemaCustomization

Make functionality available on field resolver context


  • context object

    Object to make available on context. When called from a plugin, the context value will be namespaced under the camel-cased plugin name without the “gatsby-” prefix

  • plugin IGatsbyPlugin
  • traceId string

Return value



const getHtml = md => remark().use(html).process(md)
exports.createSchemaCustomization = ({ actions }) => {
  actions.createResolverContext({ getHtml })
// The context value can then be accessed in any field resolver like this:
exports.createSchemaCustomization = ({ actions, schema }) => {
    name: 'Test',
    interfaces: ['Node'],
    fields: {
      md: {
        type: 'String!',
        async resolve(source, args, context, info) {
          const processed = await context.transformerRemark.getHtml(source.internal.contents)
          return processed.contents


Record that a page was visited on the server..


  • chunkName string
  • destructured object
    • id string

      the chunkName for the page component.


Add type definitions to the GraphQL schema.


  • types string | GraphQLOutputType | GatsbyGraphQLType | string[] | GraphQLOutputType[] | GatsbyGraphQLType[]

    Type definitions

    Type definitions can be provided either as graphql-js types, in GraphQL schema definition language (SDL) or using Gatsby Type Builders available on the schema API argument.

    Things to note:

    • type definitions targeting node types, i.e. MarkdownRemark and others added in sourceNodes or onCreateNode APIs, need to implement the Node interface. Interface fields will be added automatically, but it is mandatory to label those types with implements Node.
    • by default, explicit type definitions from createTypes will be merged with inferred field types, and default field resolvers for Date (which adds formatting options) and File (which resolves the field value as a relativePath foreign-key field) are added. This behavior can be customised with @infer, @dontInfer directives or extensions. Fields may be assigned resolver (and other option like args) with additional directives. Currently @dateformat, @link, @fileByRelativePath and @proxy are available.

    Schema customization controls:

    • @infer - run inference on the type and add fields that don’t exist on the

    defined type to it.

    • @dontInfer - don’t run any inference on the type

    Extensions to add resolver options:

    • @dateformat - add date formatting arguments. Accepts formatString and locale options that sets the defaults for this field
    • @link - connect to a different Node. Arguments by and from, which define which field to compare to on a remote node and which field to use on the source node
    • @fileByRelativePath - connect to a File node. Same arguments. The difference from link is that this normalizes the relative path to be relative from the path where source node is found.
    • @proxy - in case the underlying node data contains field names with characters that are invalid in GraphQL, proxy allows to explicitly proxy those properties to fields with valid field names. Takes a from arg.
  • plugin IGatsbyPlugin
  • traceId string

Return value



exports.createSchemaCustomization = ({ actions }) => {
  const { createTypes } = actions
  const typeDefs = `
    Markdown Node
    type MarkdownRemark implements Node @infer {
      frontmatter: Frontmatter!

    Markdown Frontmatter
    type Frontmatter @infer {
      title: String!
      author: AuthorJson! @link
      date: Date! @dateformat
      published: Boolean!
      tags: [String!]!

    Author information
    # Does not include automatically inferred fields
    type AuthorJson implements Node @dontInfer {
      name: String!
      birthday: Date! @dateformat(locale: "ru")

// using Gatsby Type Builder API
exports.createSchemaCustomization = ({ actions, schema }) => {
  const { createTypes } = actions
  const typeDefs = [
      name: 'MarkdownRemark',
      fields: {
        frontmatter: 'Frontmatter!'
      interfaces: ['Node'],
      extensions: {
        infer: true,
      name: 'Frontmatter',
      fields: {
        title: {
          type: 'String!',
          resolve(parent) {
            return parent.title || '(Untitled)'
        author: {
          type: 'AuthorJson'
          extensions: {
            link: {},
        date: {
          type: 'Date!'
          extensions: {
            dateformat: {},
        published: 'Boolean!',
        tags: '[String!]!',
      name: 'AuthorJson',
      fields: {
        name: 'String!'
        birthday: {
          type: 'Date!'
          extensions: {
            dateformat: {
              locale: 'ru',
      interfaces: ['Node'],
      extensions: {
        infer: false,


Delete a node


  • node object

    A node object. See the “createNode” action for more information about the node object details.

  • plugin Plugin




Delete a page


  • page Object

    a page object

    • path string

      The path of the page

    • component string

      The absolute path to the page component




DEPRECATED. Use createJobV2 instead.

End a “job”.

Gatsby doesn’t finish its process until all jobs are ended.

Use “createJobV2” instead


  • job Object

    A job object with at least an id set

    • id id

      The id of the job

  • plugin


endJob({ id: `write file id: 123` })


Only available in:createSchemaCustomization

Write GraphQL schema to file

Writes out inferred and explicitly specified type definitions. This is not the full GraphQL schema, but only the types necessary to recreate all type definitions, i.e. it does not include directives, built-ins, and derived types for filtering, sorting, pagination etc. Optionally, you can define a list of types to include/exclude. This is recommended to avoid including definitions for plugin-created types.

The first object parameter is required, however all the fields in the object are optional.


  • destructured object
    • path string

      The path to the output file, defaults to schema.gql

    • include object

      Configure types to include

      • types string[]

        Only include these types

      • plugins string[]

        Only include types owned by these plugins

    • exclude object

      Configure types to exclude

      • types string[]

        Do not include these types

      • plugins string[]

        Do not include types owned by these plugins

    • withFieldTypes boolean

      Include field types, defaults to true

  • plugin IGatsbyPlugin
  • traceId string

Return value



exports.createSchemaCustomization = ({ actions }) => {
  // This code writes a GraphQL schema to a file named `schema.gql`.
exports.createSchemaCustomization = ({ actions }) => {
  // This code writes a GraphQL schema to a file named `schema.gql`, but this time it does not include field types.
  actions.printTypeDefinitions({ withFieldTypes: false })


Completely replace the webpack config for the current stage. This can be dangerous and break Gatsby if certain configuration options are changed.

Generally only useful for cases where you need to handle config merging logic yourself, in which case consider using webpack-merge.


  • config Object

    complete webpack config

  • plugin


Set top-level Babel options. Plugins and presets will be ignored. Use setBabelPlugin and setBabelPreset for this.


  • options Object
  • plugin
  • config Object

    An options object in the shape of a normal babelrc JavaScript object


  options: {
    sourceMaps: `inline`,


Add new plugins or merge options into existing Babel plugins.


  • config Object

    A config object describing the Babel plugin to be added.

    • name string

      The name of the Babel plugin

    • options Object

      Options to pass to the Babel plugin.

  • plugin


  name:  `@emotion/babel-plugin`,
  options: {
    sourceMap: true,


Add new presets or merge options into existing Babel presets.


  • config Object

    A config object describing the Babel plugin to be added.

    • name string

      The name of the Babel preset.

    • options Object

      Options to pass to the Babel preset.

  • plugin


  name: `@babel/preset-react`,
  options: {
    pragma: `Glamor.createElement`,


DEPRECATED. Use createJobV2 instead.

Set (update) a “job”. Sometimes on really long running jobs you want to update the job as it continues.

Use “createJobV2” instead


  • job Object

    A job object with at least an id set

    • id id

      The id of the job

  • plugin


setJob({ id: `write file id: 123`, progress: 50 })


Set plugin status. A plugin can use this to save status keys e.g. the last it fetched something. These values are persisted between runs of Gatsby.


  • status Object

    An object with arbitrary values set

  • plugin Plugin


setPluginStatus({ lastFetched: })


Merge additional configuration into the current webpack config. A few configurations options will be ignored if set, in order to try prevent accidental breakage. Specifically, any change to entry, output, target, or resolveLoaders will be ignored.

For full control over the webpack config, use replaceWebpackConfig().


  • config Object

    partial webpack config, to be merged into the current one

  • plugin


“Touch” a node. Tells Gatsby a node still exists and shouldn’t be garbage collected. Primarily useful for source plugins fetching nodes from a remote system that can return only nodes that have updated. The source plugin then touches all the nodes that haven’t updated but still exist so Gatsby knows to keep them.


  • node Object

    A node object. See the “createNode” action for more information about the node object details.

  • plugin Plugin




Creates an individual node manifest. This is used to tie the unique revision state within a data source at the current point in time to a page generated from the provided node when it’s node manifest is processed.


  • destructured object
    • manifestId
    • node
  • plugin Plugin
  • manifest Object

    a page object

    • manifestId string

      An id which ties the revision unique state of this manifest to the unique revision state of a data source.

    • node string

      The Gatsyby node to tie the manifestId to


  manifestId: `post-id-1--updated-53154315`,
  node: {
     id: `post-id-1`