As of June 2020, the Gatsby community is comprised of over 3,300 contributors and tens of thousands of developers building both personal and commercial websites on Gatsby.
Open source doesn’t always have the best reputation for being friendly and welcoming, and that makes us sad. Everyone belongs in open source, and Gatsby is dedicated to making you feel welcome.
We will never judge, condescend, or exclude anyone. Instead, we will go above and beyond to support the community, through helping you contribute to the Gatsby ecosystem, offering free swag for contributors, an open and inclusive code of conduct, and other means that empower and embrace the incredible community that makes Gatsby possible.
One of our community’s values is that “you belong here”.
Gatsby Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct
In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in our project and our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, disability, ethnicity, gender identity and expression, level of experience, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.
Ways to Contribute
The Gatsby community welcomes contributions. Please refer to the guides below on how to make sure your contributions get accepted:
- How to Contribute
- How to File an Issue
- How to Open a Pull Request
- Make feature requests with an RFC
- Gatsby Style Guide
- Gatsby Translations - currently on hold
Gatsby news
Sign up for the Gatsby newsletter to keep up with the latest from the Gatsby community! Hear about new features, tips & tricks, and what people are building.
Want to keep up with the latest tips & tricks? Subscribe to our newsletter!
For the latest news about Gatsby, follow @gatsbyjs on Twitter.
Where to get support
Stack Overflow
Many members of the community use Stack Overflow to ask questions. Read through
the existing questions
tagged with gatsby
ask your own!
If you need an answer right away, check out the Gatsby Discord. Community & team members are happy to help you out or point you to useful resources.
GitHub Discussions
Directly integrated into the repository, you can use GitHub Discussions to ask for help or share ideas.
Many members of the community also use Hashnode to ask questions and share their tips. Read through
the existing questions and posts
tagged with gatsby
ask your own question or share your story and add the gatsby
DEV Community
DEV Community is another informative platform to ask questions and share tips as well. Read through
the existing questions and posts
tagged with gatsby
ask for help. You could also write your post with the gatsby